Từ điển - Cộng đồng hỏi đáp trực tuyến
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  • 09/03/22 02:00:42
    Hi Rừng, cho em hỏi câu này hiểu từ chỗ proper taper đến hết là sao ạ (đang nói đến sửa chữa tấm giảm chấn ở xe ô tô)
    Technical Tip: A good repair starts with a good foundation, and surface prep is your foundation. It’s very important when repairing a deep gouge or a tear that goes all the way through the plastic to make a wide, gradual taper. A proper taper on the cosmetic side of a bumper should be deep enough to expose about ¼ inch wide strip of the patch on the back side of the part. Changes...
    Hi Rừng, cho em hỏi câu này hiểu từ chỗ proper taper đến hết là sao ạ (đang nói đến sửa chữa tấm giảm chấn ở xe ô tô)
    Technical Tip: A good repair starts with a good foundation, and surface prep is your foundation. It’s very important when repairing a deep gouge or a tear that goes all the way through the plastic to make a wide, gradual taper. A proper taper on the cosmetic side of a bumper should be deep enough to expose about ¼ inch wide strip of the patch on the back side of the part. Changes in temperature will cause the adhesive to expand and contract and pull away from the sharp edge of a “V” groove causing a ghosting line to appear. With a gradual taper there is no sharp edge where the plastic will separate from the adhesive. Also a “V” groove is too narrow for the adhesive to bond to.

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    • Bói Bói
      0 · 09/03/22 02:22:41
    • Sáu que Tre
      0 · 10/03/22 10:16:52
      • Bói Bói
        Trả lời · 15/03/22 08:37:56
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