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  • 31/05/17 01:38:03
    A pity, then, that the rival party leaders haven't expressed that half as powerfully as Wilson did. Instead , they have made mostly uninspired pledges along party lines. The Conservatives, for example, say they will make the country into " the world's most dynamic digital econnomy" with investment in infrastructure, skills, and start-ups. Labour says it will look into the potential for "new jobs and new forms of work - but also new risks of inequality and job insecurity". Both... A pity, then, that the rival party leaders haven't expressed that half as powerfully as Wilson did. Instead , they have made mostly uninspired pledges along party lines. The Conservatives, for example, say they will make the country into " the world's most dynamic digital econnomy" with investment in infrastructure, skills, and start-ups. Labour says it will look into the potential for "new jobs and new forms of work - but also new risks of inequality and job insecurity". Both have pledged to uphold incoming laws on data proctection and increase R&D spending. Neither expresses the passion one might hope for , given the promise and challenges of technology.
    Có thể giúp em làm rõ câu cuối và câu đầu nghĩa là gì không ạ? Với lại given ở đây lien hệ với gì mà tại sao lại mang hình thức quá khứ phân từ ạ?
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