Từ điển - Cộng đồng hỏi đáp trực tuyến
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  • 20/11/15 03:39:16
    ai dich ho m vs a.
    Hydrogen and sodium capacity were done according to references 13 and 14. For hydrogen capacity, the swollen PHA (0.2 g) was shaken with 50 mL of 0.25 M NaOH solution for 6 h. Determination of the NaOH concentration was done by titrating with 0.25 M hydrochloric acid. Hydrogen capacity of the hydrogel was calculated from the amount of sodium hydroxide reacted with PHA hydrogel. For sodium capacity, the swollen PHA hydrogel (0.25 g) was shaken with 50 mL of 0.125 M sodium bicar...
    ai dich ho m vs a.
    Hydrogen and sodium capacity were done according to references 13 and 14. For hydrogen capacity, the swollen PHA (0.2 g) was shaken with 50 mL of 0.25 M NaOH solution for 6 h. Determination of the NaOH concentration was done by titrating with 0.25 M hydrochloric acid. Hydrogen capacity of the hydrogel was calculated from the amount of sodium hydroxide reacted with PHA hydrogel. For sodium capacity, the swollen PHA hydrogel (0.25 g) was shaken with 50 mL of 0.125 M sodium bicarbonate solution for 12 h, then the resin was filtered and washed thoroughly with distilled water. The total filtrate was acidified with 50 mL 0.125 M hydrochloric acid, boiled to expel carbon dioxide, and back-titrated with 0.125 M sodium hydroxide. Sodium capacity of the hydrogel was calculated from the amount of sodium bicarbonate reacted with the polymer.

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