Từ điển - Cộng đồng hỏi đáp trực tuyến
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  • 15/01/17 10:05:12
    mọi người làm ơn dich câu ngày cho em với:
    FTSE Russell hereby notifies users of the index that it is possible that circumstances, including external events beyond the control of FTSE Russell, may necessitate changes to, or the cessation
    of, the index and therefore, any financial contracts or other financial instruments that reference the index should be able to withstand, or otherwise address the possibility of changes to, or cessation of.
    the index.
    và câu : Index users who choose...
    mọi người làm ơn dich câu ngày cho em với:
    FTSE Russell hereby notifies users of the index that it is possible that circumstances, including external events beyond the control of FTSE Russell, may necessitate changes to, or the cessation
    of, the index and therefore, any financial contracts or other financial instruments that reference the index should be able to withstand, or otherwise address the possibility of changes to, or cessation of.
    the index.
    và câu : Index users who choose to follow this index or to buy products that claim to follow this index should
    assess the merits of the index’s rules-based methodology and take independent investment advice
    before investing their own or client funds. No liability whether as a result of negligence or otherwise
    is accepted by FTSE Russell for any losses, damages, claims and expenses suffered by any person
    as a result of:
    em cảm ơn ạ.

    Xem thêm.
    Xem thêm 1 bình luận
    • Nguyen Luu
      0 · 15/01/17 03:03:30
    • Sáu que Tre
      0 · 16/01/17 09:09:28
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