Từ điển - Cộng đồng hỏi đáp trực tuyến
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  • 27/02/18 09:29:39
    So a man is driving home from a business trip. He has a pretty low paying job, so obviously he doesn't have the best of cars.
    After a few hours of driving, he drives past a monastery. And holy tits, his car breaks down right in front of the monastery.
    Being a man of God, he obviously figures, "I bet the monks will let me stay with them while my car is repaired." So he goes to the front gate and knocks on the door. A man in robes answers. He tells the monk his predicament and the...
    So a man is driving home from a business trip. He has a pretty low paying job, so obviously he doesn't have the best of cars.
    After a few hours of driving, he drives past a monastery. And holy tits, his car breaks down right in front of the monastery.
    Being a man of God, he obviously figures, "I bet the monks will let me stay with them while my car is repaired." So he goes to the front gate and knocks on the door. A man in robes answers. He tells the monk his predicament and the monk, being a monk, lets him stay the night, and even helps with repair costs for his car.
    While the business man is sleeping that night, he hears this strange noise. It just perplexes him, and for the life of him, he can't figure out what it is. He decides when he wakes up in the morning, he'll ask the monks about it.
    When he wakes up, he finds the monk who he met when his car first broke down, and asks him, "Can you tell me what that noise I heard was last night?"
    The monk replies, "I'm sorry, brother. I cannot tell you, for you are not a monk." The man accepts this. He thanks the monks for their graciousness, and goes about his way when he gets his car back. 3 years later, he is driving on another business trip. And wouldn't you know it, his car breaks down in front of the monastery again.
    Again, he figures, he can stay the night. And, of course, the monks let him stay and offer him the same help as before.
    And once again, during the night, he hears that noise. He has no idea what it could be. He decides to ask the monk once again, with hopes that he would trust him more this time around. In the morning he meets the monk again, and asks, "I'm sorry for asking again, but what is that noise!?"
    The monk replies, "I cannot tell you, for you are not a monk."

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    Xem thêm 2 bình luận
    • Huy Chu
      0 · 27/02/18 10:40:59
      1 câu trả lời trước
      • Huy Chu
        Trả lời · 27/02/18 11:02:32
    • Trần Duy Tuấn
      0 · 27/02/18 01:32:02
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