Cả nhà cho em hỏi đoạn này ạ: "Report the bullying to school personnel. Your child’s teachers need to know about the bullying your child is experiencing. They need the facts, the date, time, place, kids involved, and specifics of the incidents—and the impact the bullying has had on your child. Follow up on the follow-through to make sure the adults are actively involved in protecting your child and any other child who is being bullied, and that the bully is not being punished or rescued... Cả nhà cho em hỏi đoạn này ạ: "Report the bullying to school personnel. Your child’s teachers need to know about the bullying your child is experiencing. They need the facts, the date, time, place, kids involved, and specifics of the incidents—and the impact the bullying has had on your child. Follow up on the follow-through to make sure the adults are actively involved in protecting your child and any other child who is being bullied, and that the bully is not being punished or rescued but is in fact being disciplined." Em không biết chỗ Follow up on the follow-through nên dịch là gì ạ. Em xin cám ơn
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