Từ điển - Cộng đồng hỏi đáp trực tuyến
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  • 18/11/16 06:56:05
    Japan is one of the most developed countries in the world with the rate of illiterate equal zero: high levels of educational achievement with low levels of deviation. In Japan, the students don’t have to experience any examination until they aged 10. They still havr the tests for appraising their education level, but those tests are small. This country believes that the object of the first 3 years is not appraise the students’ book-learning which in order to develope their behavior and their personal... Japan is one of the most developed countries in the world with the rate of illiterate equal zero: high levels of educational achievement with low levels of deviation. In Japan, the students don’t have to experience any examination until they aged 10. They still havr the tests for appraising their education level, but those tests are small. This country believes that the object of the first 3 years is not appraise the students’ book-learning which in order to develope their behavior and their personality in criteria. Students are taught how to respect the others, behaving kindly towards animals and nature. Toleration, charity, sympathies are the virtue that the children in Japan are orientated. Besides, they also must learn about bravery, self-controlled and justice.
    đây là đoạn văn e viết, mọi người có thể sửa giúp e lỗi chính tả và lỗi ngữ pháp đc k ạ?

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    • Nóng Quá
      0 · 18/11/16 11:53:34
    • Sáu que Tre
      1 · 18/11/16 11:57:34
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