Từ điển - Cộng đồng hỏi đáp trực tuyến
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  • 29/11/16 12:22:47
    Các anh chị giúp em dịch rõ 3 câu hỏi này với ạ.
    1. What are the forces shaping the development of Internet businesses like eBay in the United States? How are these forces similar or different in the EU and in other countries, such as Japan or China?
    2. How do the text’s terms ‘customisation’ and ‘customerisation’ apply to eBay’s marketing strategy?
    3. How does eBay create value for the members of its community?
    4. What marketing recommendations would you make to eBay to help it be...
    Các anh chị giúp em dịch rõ 3 câu hỏi này với ạ.
    1. What are the forces shaping the development of Internet businesses like eBay in the United States? How are these forces similar or different in the EU and in other countries, such as Japan or China?
    2. How do the text’s terms ‘customisation’ and ‘customerisation’ apply to eBay’s marketing strategy?
    3. How does eBay create value for the members of its community?
    4. What marketing recommendations would you make to eBay to help it be successful as it enters the Chinese market?
    Em xin cảm ơn ạ.

    Xem thêm.
    Xem thêm 1 bình luận
    • anh313457
      0 · 29/11/16 11:28:48
    • Sáu que Tre
      2 · 30/11/16 03:00:33
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