Từ điển - Cộng đồng hỏi đáp trực tuyến
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  • 06/04/17 06:59:27
    Mình ko thể dịch được đoạn này mọi người ơi...
    According to Propp, the one “archetype” from which all other themes are derived is actually the kidnapping of a princess by a dragon. This is significant insofar as Propp, in his Historical Roots of the Wondertale (những căn rễ lịch sử của truyện cổ tích thần kỳ), 1946, highlights thematic transformations between fighting a dragon, being swallowed by one, entering the realm of the dead (a transition he considers the wonder-tale;s axis), and metamorp...
    Mình ko thể dịch được đoạn này mọi người ơi...
    According to Propp, the one “archetype” from which all other themes are derived is actually the kidnapping of a princess by a dragon. This is significant insofar as Propp, in his Historical Roots of the Wondertale (những căn rễ lịch sử của truyện cổ tích thần kỳ), 1946, highlights thematic transformations between fighting a dragon, being swallowed by one, entering the realm of the dead (a transition he considers the wonder-tale;s axis), and metamorphosis (biến hình) proper. Hence, Propp brings together thematic transformations and character metamorphoses under the paradigmatic dragon image of cyclic time forever rewinding itself through periodic death and rebirth – the essence of enchantment / disenchantment transitions in wonder tales.

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    • tigon
      0 · 08/04/17 03:13:50
    • Chee gee
      0 · 08/04/17 05:20:20
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