Từ điển - Cộng đồng hỏi đáp trực tuyến
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  • 09/01/16 02:33:49
    Nhờ các bạn dịch giúp mình đoạn sau nhé:
    EDC is Ecom data collation.
    This is the data for the first PO of each stroke that you send each season. The data needed is the measurements of the folded or packed product when it’s ready to send to the customer.
    Kích thước và trọng lượng của gói này phải chính xác 100% . Enabling correct courier assignment and costing.
    •Incorrect data leads to wrong packing methods used which could result in damaged products, lost sales and poor customer exper...
    Nhờ các bạn dịch giúp mình đoạn sau nhé:
    EDC is Ecom data collation.
    This is the data for the first PO of each stroke that you send each season. The data needed is the measurements of the folded or packed product when it’s ready to send to the customer.
    Kích thước và trọng lượng của gói này phải chính xác 100% . Enabling correct courier assignment and costing.
    •Incorrect data leads to wrong packing methods used which could result in damaged products, lost sales and poor customer experience.
    •Incorrect data leads to extra costs incurred to M&S.

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