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  • 25/10/18 10:04:17
    Nhờ các bạn dịch đoạn sau:
    My problem is that nearly everything makes me glggle because it depends on my mood, it depends if l've not had much sleep for example oh my goodness then just can't hold the giggles in and the more serlous it is , um, like if I'm at work or something,the worse the giggles because I know I'm not supposed to do it.
    So if somebody says something that I find mildly amusing in normal life if the stakes are higher and I'm at work and it's areally important meetlng and...
    Nhờ các bạn dịch đoạn sau:
    My problem is that nearly everything makes me glggle because it depends on my mood, it depends if l've not had much sleep for example oh my goodness then just can't hold the giggles in and the more serlous it is , um, like if I'm at work or something,the worse the giggles because I know I'm not supposed to do it.
    So if somebody says something that I find mildly amusing in normal life if the stakes are higher and I'm at work and it's areally important meetlng and I' m a little bit tired,then I just go to pieces, it' s terrible, and somebody can just look at me the wrong way and I've gone and I cannot stop either, and the more I try to stop the more imposible lt is and it even happening now brilliant.
    Mình hết lòng xin các bạn giúp đỡ

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    Xem thêm 2 bình luận
    • Mèo Méo Meo
      0 · 25/10/18 10:25:45
    • Kaito Anh Phạm
      0 · 26/10/18 07:22:18
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