Từ điển - Cộng đồng hỏi đáp trực tuyến
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  • 20/06/18 09:46:33
    Betting companies cut their odds on one or both of them getting the prize. President Trump is now 2/1 to get it, either alone or as part of a team. North Korea giving up its nuclear weapons and the USA stopping "war games" with South Korea would definitely make the world a safer place. A Nobel Prize historian said: "If [there was] real disarmament on the Korean peninsula, it would be very difficult to not award them the prize." mọi người đoạn này dịch sao ạ .cảm ơn ạ,
    • Sáu que Tre
      0 · 20/06/18 11:53:38
    • maikoten
      0 · 20/06/18 08:57:40
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