Từ điển - Cộng đồng hỏi đáp trực tuyến
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  • 14/03/17 01:00:16
    Cả nhà giúp em dịch giúp em đoạn này với ạ
    "A comprehensive introduction to he dynamic models of general power systems can be found in [1]. In this hapter, the modeling of a typical power generating system, including the modeling of hree types of generating units, the tie-line modeling and the modeling of parallel operation of interconnected areas will be introduced. A Laplace transform of a decentralized area of the power generating system will be derived for later frequency-domain analyse...
    Cả nhà giúp em dịch giúp em đoạn này với ạ
    "A comprehensive introduction to he dynamic models of general power systems can be found in [1]. In this hapter, the modeling of a typical power generating system, including the modeling of hree types of generating units, the tie-line modeling and the modeling of parallel operation of interconnected areas will be introduced. A Laplace transform of a decentralized area of the power generating system will be derived for later frequency-domain analyses in Chapter V"
    Chuyên ngành điện tử ạ.

    Xem thêm.
    • Chee gee
      0 · 14/03/17 02:24:10
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