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  • 28/06/16 09:44:49
    Cho mình hỏi "is to duplicate the effects" trong đoạn
    "However, their conclusion was based on unrealistic assumption of perfect financial market conditions. For example, they assumed that there is no transaction costs and existence of the perfect market. Bailey (2010) demonstrated when capital market is perfect using MMtheorem. That is, if an investor IS TO DUPLICATE THE EFFECTS of economic behaviour taken by corporation, they must be able to borrow or lend on the same conditions...
    Cho mình hỏi "is to duplicate the effects" trong đoạn
    "However, their conclusion was based on unrealistic assumption of perfect financial market conditions. For example, they assumed that there is no transaction costs and existence of the perfect market. Bailey (2010) demonstrated when capital market is perfect using MMtheorem. That is, if an investor IS TO DUPLICATE THE EFFECTS of economic behaviour taken by corporation, they must be able to borrow or lend on the same conditions as the firm. Therefore, what is important, is not that taxes are neutral but the rate of taxation is the same."
    dịch là gì với cấu trúc ngữ pháp chỗ này là gì vậy mn? Thanks all :D nguồn trong paper về tài chính

    Xem thêm.
    • Chee gee
      0 · 28/06/16 09:49:25
    • Chee gee
      1 · 28/06/16 09:49:57
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