Từ điển - Cộng đồng hỏi đáp trực tuyến
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  • 02/11/18 03:50:20
    Đoạn này dịch sao cho suông đây ạ
    In the following examples from other languages , we shall restrict our­selves to interpretations where the reference point is taken to be that
    established by the tense of the closest verb with absolute time reference, as
    this is usually the most salient interpretation and also the one intended by
    the particular examples given in our sources ; our claim , however, would be
    that these sentences should have a range of interpretations similar...
    Đoạn này dịch sao cho suông đây ạ
    In the following examples from other languages , we shall restrict our­selves to interpretations where the reference point is taken to be that
    established by the tense of the closest verb with absolute time reference, as
    this is usually the most salient interpretation and also the one intended by
    the particular examples given in our sources ; our claim , however, would be
    that these sentences should have a range of interpretations similar to those given for English .

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    • Bibi
      1 · 03/11/18 08:59:20
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