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Mục lục


not reacting visibly to something that might be expected to produce manifestations of an emotion or feeling.
not participating readily or actively; inactive
a passive member of a committee.
not involving visible reaction or active participation
to play a passive role.
inert or quiescent.
influenced, acted upon, or affected by some external force, cause, or agency; being the object of action rather than causing action ( opposed to active ).
receiving or characterized by the reception of impressions or influences from external sources.
produced or caused by an external agency.
receiving, enduring, or submitting without resistance
a passive hypnotic subject.
Grammar .
noting a voice in the inflection of the verb in some languages which is used to indicate that the subject undergoes the action of the verb. Latin port?tur, he, she, or it is carried, is in the passive voice.
noting or pertaining to a construction similar to this in meaning, as English He is carried ( opposed to active ).
Chemistry . inactive, esp. under conditions in which chemical activity is to be expected.
Metallurgy . (of a metal) treated so as to impart impassivity.
Medicine/Medical . of or pertaining to certain unhealthy but dormant conditions; inactive, as opposed to active or spontaneous.
Telecommunications . designed to relay signals without electronic devices
a passive communications satellite.
(of a solar heating system) accumulating and distributing solar heat without the aid of machinery.

Noun Grammar .

the passive voice.
a passive form or construction.


active , dynamic , lively


acquiescent , apathetic , asleep , bearing , compliant , cool , docile , enduring , flat , forbearing , going through motions , hands off , idle , indifferent , inert , laid-back * , latent , long-suffering , moony , motionless , nonresistant , nonviolent , patient , phlegmatic , poker-faced * , quiescent , quiet , receptive , resigned , sleepy , static , stolid , submissive , tractable , unassertive , unflappable , uninvolved , unresisting , walking through it , yieldingnotes:active knowledge is the knowledge of a language which a user actively employs in speech or writing , as opposed to passive knowledge , which is what a person understands in what he/she hears or reads , dormant , inactive , inexcitable , invertebrate , lethargic , lifeless , negative , obedient , stoic , stoical , supine , unresponsive , yielding

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  • Passive resister

    opposition to a government or to specific governmental laws by the use of noncooperation and other nonviolent methods, as economic boycotts and protest...
  • Passiveness

    also, passiveness, chemical inactivity, esp. the resistance to corrosion of certain metals when covered with a coherent oxide layer.
  • Passivism

    the quality of being passive., the principle or practice of passive resistance.
  • Passivist

    the quality of being passive., the principle or practice of passive resistance.
  • Passivity

    also, passiveness, chemical inactivity, esp. the resistance to corrosion of certain metals when covered with a coherent oxide layer.
  • Passkey

    master key., skeleton key., a private key., a latchkey., noun, master key , passe-partout
  • Passover

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  • Passport

    an official document issued by the government of a country to one of its citizens and, varying from country to country, authorizing travel to foreign countries...
  • Password

    a secret word or expression used by authorized persons to prove their right to access, information, etc., a word or other string of characters, sometimes...
  • Past

    gone by or elapsed in time, of, having existed in, or having occurred during a time previous to the present; bygone, gone by just before the present time;...
  • Past master

    a person who is thoroughly experienced or exceptionally skilled in a profession, art, etc., a person who has held the office of master in a guild, lodge,...
  • Paste

    a mixture of flour and water, often with starch or the like, used for causing paper or other material to adhere to something., any soft, smooth, and plastic...
  • Pasteboard

    a stiff, firm board made of sheets of paper pasted or layers of paper pulp pressed together., older slang . a card, as a visiting card or a playing card.,...
  • Pastel

    a color having a soft, subdued shade., a kind of dried paste made of pigments ground with chalk and compounded with gum water., a chalklike crayon made...
  • Pastelist

    an artist who draws with pastels.
  • Pastellist

    an artist who draws with pastels.
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  • Pasteurization

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  • Pasteurize

    to expose (a food, as milk, cheese, yogurt, beer, or wine) to an elevated temperature for a period of time sufficient to destroy certain microorganisms,...
  • Pasteurizer

    an apparatus for pasteurizing milk and other liquids.
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  • 22/05/24 02:10:33
    Mọi người cho mình hỏi: typology of people trong đoạn này là gì thế nhỉ: The establishment of a typology of people, property and economic activities affected by the project, the pre-assessment of relocation schemes, compensation budgets for losses, and the establishment of suitable proposals for the restoration of the economic activities of affected persons;
    Cảm ơn cả nhà rất nhiều!
    bolttuthan đã thích điều này
    • rungvn
      0 · 03/06/24 01:20:04
  • 01/02/24 09:10:20
    Rừng ít người vô nhỉ, nhưng trong bài viết của em thống kê thì lượng view đọc bài lúc nào R cũng đứng đầu á, thậm chí còn kéo dài liên tục, đều đặn ^^ Lạ nhỉ
    Huy Quang, Bear Yoopies2 người khác đã thích điều này
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    • Ngocmai94ent
      1 · 24/04/24 08:11:15
    • Thienn89_tender
      0 · 26/05/24 10:27:33
  • 26/12/23 03:32:46
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    Tây Tây, Huy Quang1 người khác đã thích điều này
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  • 05/01/24 12:56:26
    Hế lô thần dân cũ của R
    hanhdang đã thích điều này
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    • Mèo Méo Meo
      0 · 15/01/24 09:06:03
      4 câu trả lời trước
      • Mèo Méo Meo
        Trả lời · 1 · 19/01/24 11:34:27
    • Bear Yoopies
      0 · 20/01/24 09:12:20
  • 19/08/23 05:15:59
    Thất nghiệp rồi ai có gì cho em làm với không
    • Bói Bói
      0 · 05/09/23 09:19:35
      4 câu trả lời trước
      • bear.bear
        Trả lời · 03/01/24 09:52:18
    • Huy Quang
      0 · 15/09/23 09:01:56
      2 câu trả lời trước
      • bear.bear
        Trả lời · 03/01/24 09:46:42