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Mục lục


making no noise or sound, esp. no disturbing sound
quiet neighbors.
free, or comparatively free, from noise
a quiet street.
Be quiet!
restrained in speech, manner, etc.; saying little
a quiet person.
free from disturbance or tumult; tranquil; peaceful
a quiet life.
being at rest.
refraining or free from activity, esp. busy or vigorous activity
a quiet Sunday afternoon.
making no disturbance or trouble; not turbulent; peaceable
The factions remained quiet for twenty years.
motionless or moving very gently
quiet waters.
free from disturbing thoughts, emotions, etc.; mentally peaceful
a quiet conscience.
said, expressed, done, etc., in a restrained or unobtrusive way
a quiet reproach; a quiet admonition.
not showy or obtrusive; subdued
quiet colors.
not busy or active
The stock market was quiet last week.

Verb (used with object)

to make quiet.
to make tranquil or peaceful; pacify
to quiet a crying baby.
to calm mentally, as a person.
to allay (tumult, doubt, fear, etc.).
to silence.

Verb (used without object)

to become quiet (often fol. by down ).


boisterous , clamorous , loud , noisy , agitated , troubled , complex , complicated , intricate , obtrusive , demonstrative , disturbed , forward , hoidenish , rude , stormy , tumultuous
clamor , clangor , loudness , noise
turn up , aggravate , arouse , exasperate , increase , intensify


buttoned up , clammed up , close , close-mouthed , could hear a pin drop , dumb , hushed , hushful , inaudible , low , low-pitched , muffled , mute , muted , noiseless , not saying boo , peaceful , quiescent , quieted , reserved , reticent , secretive , silent , soft , soundless , speechless , still , stilled , taciturn , tight-lipped * , uncommunicative , unexpressed , unspeaking , unuttered , whistnotes:quiet (noun) is the absence of sound - (verb) to make calm , or quiet - (adjective) free of noise or uproar or making little if any sound; quite means to the greatest extent or actually , really , or truly , collected , contented , docile , fixed , gentle , halcyon , inactive , isolated , level , meek , mild , motionless , pacific , placid , private , remote , restful , retired , secluded , secret , sedate , sequestered , serene , shy , smooth , stable , stagnant , tranquil , unanxious , undisturbed , unexcited , unfrequented , unruffled , untroublednotes:quiet (noun) is the absence of sound - (verb) to make calm , conservative , homely , inobtrusive , modest , plain , restrained , sober , subdued , tasteful , unassuming , unpretentiousnotes:quiet (noun) is the absence of sound - (verb) to make calm , stilly , low-key , low-keyed , small , whispery , calm , untroubled , unobtrusive , demure , dormant , dumbstruck , inconspicuous , inoffensive , introspective , low-profile , passive , pensive , reflective , reposeful , retiring , staid , undemonstrative , unmolested , unmoved
calm , cessation , dead air , ease , hush , lull , noiselessness , peace , quietness , quietude , relaxation , repose , rest , serenity , soundlessness , speechlessness , still , stillness , stop , termination , tranquillitynotes:quiet (noun) is the absence of sound - (verb) to make calm , or quiet - (adjective) free of noise or uproar or making little if any sound; quite means to the greatest extent or actually , really , or truly , calmness , peacefulness , placidity , placidness , tranquillity , untroubledness , backwater , dormancy , nepenthe , opiate , quiescence , quiet , sedative , tranquilizer , undertone
allay , ameliorate , appease , assuage , becalm , button one’s lip , calm down , can it , choke , clam up , compose , console , cool it , cool out , dummy up , fix up , gag , gratify , hold it down , hush , ice * , inactivate , lull , moderate , mollify , muffle , muzzle , pacify , palliate , patch things up , please , quieten , reconcile , relax , satisfy , settle , shush , shut up , silence , slack , smooth , soften , soft-pedal * , soothe , square , squash , squelch , still , stroke , subdue , take the bite out of , tranquilizenotes:quiet (noun) is the absence of sound - (verb) to make calm , or quiet - (adjective) free of noise or uproar or making little if any sound; quite means to the greatest extent or actually , really , or truly , balm , tranquilize , alleviate , collected , docile , ease , idle , inaudible , mellow , mute , passive , quell , relaxation , relieve , reposeful , repress , reserved , secretive , sequestered , serene , soft , stable , tranquil

Xem thêm các từ khác

  • Quieten

    to become quiet (often fol. by down )., to make quiet., verb, hush , quiet , shush , shut up , still
  • Quietly

    making no noise or sound, esp. no disturbing sound, free, or comparatively free, from noise, silent, restrained in speech, manner, etc.; saying little,...
  • Quietness

    making no noise or sound, esp. no disturbing sound, free, or comparatively free, from noise, silent, restrained in speech, manner, etc.; saying little,...
  • Quietude

    the state of being quiet; tranquillity; calmness; stillness; quiet., noun, calmness , peace , peacefulness , placidity , placidness , serenity , tranquillity
  • Quietus

    a finishing stroke; anything that effectually ends or settles, discharge or release from life., a period of retirement or inactivity., noun, having given...
  • Quill

    one of the large feathers of the wing or tail of a bird., the hard, hollow, basal part of a feather., a feather, as of a goose, formed into a pen for writing.,...
  • Quillet

    a subtlety or quibble.
  • Quilling

    the flutes or ridges in quilled material., quilled fabric, lace, ribbon, etc., copping.
  • Quilt

    a coverlet for a bed, made of two layers of fabric with some soft substance, as wool or down, between them and stitched in patterns or tufted through all...
  • Quinary

    pertaining to or consisting of five., arranged in fives., of, pertaining to, or noting a numerical system based on the number 5., a number in a quinary...
  • Quinate

    arranged in groups of five.
  • Quince

    either of two small trees, cydonia oblonga or c. sinensis, of the rose family, bearing hard, fragrant, yellowish fruit used chiefly for making jelly or...
  • Quincuncial

    consisting of, arranged, or formed like a quincunx or quincunxes., botany . noting a five-ranked arrangement of leaves.
  • Quincunx

    an arrangement of five objects, as trees, in a square or rectangle, one at each corner and one in the middle., botany . an overlapping arrangement of five...
  • Quinine

    a white, bitter, slightly water-soluble alkaloid, c 2 0 h 2 4 n 2 o 2 , having needlelike crystals, obtained from cinchona bark, a salt of this alkaloid,...
  • Quinquagenarian

    50 years of age., between the ages of 50 and 60., a person who is 50 years old or whose age is between 50 and 60.
  • Quinquagesima

    the sunday before lent; shrove sunday.
  • Quinquennia

    a period of five years.
  • Quinquennial

    of or lasting for five years., occurring every five years., something that occurs every five years., a fifth anniversary., a five-year term in office.,...
  • Quinquennium

    a period of five years.
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    Mọi người cho mình hỏi: typology of people trong đoạn này là gì thế nhỉ: The establishment of a typology of people, property and economic activities affected by the project, the pre-assessment of relocation schemes, compensation budgets for losses, and the establishment of suitable proposals for the restoration of the economic activities of affected persons;
    Cảm ơn cả nhà rất nhiều!
    bolttuthan đã thích điều này
    • rungvn
      0 · 03/06/24 01:20:04
  • 01/02/24 09:10:20
    Rừng ít người vô nhỉ, nhưng trong bài viết của em thống kê thì lượng view đọc bài lúc nào R cũng đứng đầu á, thậm chí còn kéo dài liên tục, đều đặn ^^ Lạ nhỉ
    Huy Quang, Bear Yoopies2 người khác đã thích điều này
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    • Ngocmai94ent
      1 · 24/04/24 08:11:15
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      0 · 26/05/24 10:27:33
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    Tây Tây, Huy Quang1 người khác đã thích điều này
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  • 05/01/24 12:56:26
    Hế lô thần dân cũ của R
    hanhdang đã thích điều này
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      0 · 15/01/24 09:06:03
      4 câu trả lời trước
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        Trả lời · 1 · 19/01/24 11:34:27
    • Bear Yoopies
      0 · 20/01/24 09:12:20
  • 19/08/23 05:15:59
    Thất nghiệp rồi ai có gì cho em làm với không
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      0 · 05/09/23 09:19:35
      4 câu trả lời trước
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        Trả lời · 03/01/24 09:52:18
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      0 · 15/09/23 09:01:56
      2 câu trả lời trước
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        Trả lời · 03/01/24 09:46:42