Từ điển - Cộng đồng hỏi đáp trực tuyến
  • Từ điển Anh - Anh

Take on

( Xem từ này trên từ điển Anh Việt)

Mục lục

Verb (used with object)

to get into one's hold or possession by voluntary action
to take a cigarette out of a box; to take a pen and begin to write.
to hold, grasp, or grip
to take a book in one's hand; to take a child by the hand.
to get into one's hands, possession, control, etc., by force or artifice
to take a bone from a snarling dog.
to seize or capture
to take an enemy town; to take a prisoner.
to catch or get (fish, game, etc.), esp. by killing
to take a dozen trout on a good afternoon.
to pick from a number; select
Take whichever you wish.
to receive and accept willingly (something given or offered)
to take a compliment with a smile; to take a bribe.
to receive or be the recipient of (something bestowed, administered, etc.)
to take first prize.
to accept and act upon or comply with
to take advice; to take a dare.
to receive or accept (a person) into some relation
to take someone in marriage; to take new members once a year.
to receive, react, or respond to in a specified manner
Although she kept calm, she took his death hard.
to receive as a payment or charge
He refused to take any money for the use of his car.
to gain for use by payment, lease, etc.
to take a box at the opera; to take a beach house for a month.
to secure regularly or periodically by payment
to take a magazine.
to get or obtain from a source; derive
The book takes its title from Dante.
to extract or quote
He took whole passages straight from Dickens.
to obtain or exact as compensation for some wrong
to take revenge.
to receive into the body or system, as by swallowing or inhaling
to take a pill; to take a breath of fresh air.
to have for one's benefit or use
to take a meal; to take a nap; to take a bath.
to use as a flavoring agent in a food or beverage
to take sugar in one's coffee.
to be subjected to; undergo
to take a heat treatment.
to endure or submit to with equanimity or without an appreciable weakening of one's resistance
to take a joke; unable to take punishment.
to enter into the enjoyment of (recreation, a holiday, etc.)
to take a vacation.
to carry off without permission
to take something that belongs to another.
to remove
to take the pins out of one's hair.
to remove by death
The flood took many families.
to end (a life)
She took her own life.
to subtract or deduct
If you take 2 from 5, that leaves 3.
to carry with one
Take your lunch with you. Are you taking an umbrella?
to convey in a means of transportation
We took them for a ride in the country.
(of a vehicle) to convey or transport
Will this bus take me across town?
(of a road, path, etc.) to serve as a means of conducting to or through some place or region
Fifth Avenue took us through the center of town. These stairs will take you up to the attic.
to bring about a change in the state or condition of
Her ambition and perseverance took her quickly to the top of her field.
to conduct or escort
to take someone out for dinner.
to set about or succeed in getting over, through, or around (some obstacle); clear; negotiate
The horse took the hedge easily. He took the corner at top speed.
to come upon suddenly; catch
to take someone by surprise.
to get or contract; catch
He took cold over the weekend. I took a chill.
to attack or affect, as with a disease
suddenly taken with a fit of coughing.
to be capable of attaining as a result of some action or treatment
Most leathers take a high polish.
to absorb or become impregnated with; be susceptible to
Waxed paper will not take ink. This cloth takes dye.
to attract and hold
The red sweater took his eye. The urgent voice took her attention.
to captivate or charm
The kitten took my fancy.
to require
It takes courage to do that. The climb took all our strength.
to employ for some specified or implied purpose
to take measures to curb drugs.
to use as a means of transportation
to take a bus to the ferry.
to get on or board (a means of transportation) at a given time or in a given place
She takes the train at Scarsdale.
to proceed to occupy
to take a seat.
to occupy; fill (time, space, etc.)
His hobby takes most of his spare time. The machine takes a lot of room.
to use up; consume
This car takes a great deal of oil. He took ten minutes to solve the problem.
to avail oneself of
He took the opportunity to leave. She took the time to finish it properly.
to do, perform, execute, etc.
to take a walk.
to go into or enter
Take the next road to the left.
to adopt and enter upon (a way, course, etc.)
to take the path of least resistance.
to act or perform
to take the part of the hero.
to make (a reproduction, picture, or photograph)
to take home movies of the children.
to make a picture, esp. a photograph, of
The photographer took us sitting down.
to write down
to take a letter in shorthand; to take notes at a lecture.
to apply oneself to; study
to take ballet; She took four courses in her freshman year.
to deal with; treat
to take things in their proper order.
to proceed to handle in some manner
to take a matter under consideration.
to assume or undertake (a function, duty, job, etc.)
The mayor took office last month.
to assume or adopt (a symbol, badge, or the like) as a token of office
to take the veil; to take the throne.
to assume the obligation of; be bound by
to take an oath.
to assume or adopt as one's own
to take someone's part in an argument; He took the side of the speaker.
to assume or appropriate as if by right
to take credit for someone else's work.
to accept the burden of
She took the blame for his failure.
to determine by inquiry, examination, measurement, scientific observation, etc.
to take someone's pulse; to take a census.
to make or carry out for purposes of yielding such a determination
to take someone's measurements; to take a seismographic reading.
to begin to have; experience (a certain feeling or state of mind)
to take pride in one's appearance.
to form and hold in the mind
to take a gloomy view.
to grasp or apprehend mentally; understand; comprehend
Do you take my meaning, sir?
to understand in a specified way
You shouldn't take the remark as an insult.
to grasp the meaning of (a person)
if we take him correctly.
to accept the statements of
to take him at his word.
to assume as a fact
I take it that you will be there.
to regard or consider
They were taken to be wealthy.
to capture or win (a piece, trick, etc.) in a game.
Informal . to cheat, swindle, or victimize
They really take people in that shop. The museum got taken on that painting.
to win or obtain money from
He took me for
(of a man) to have sexual intercourse with.
Grammar . to be used with (a certain form, accent, case, mood, etc.)
a verb that always takes an object.
Law . to acquire property, as on the happening of an event
They take a fortune under the will.
Baseball . (of a batter) to allow (a pitch) to go by without swinging at it
He took a third strike.

Verb (used without object)

to catch or engage, as a mechanical device
She turned the key and heard a click as the catch took.
to strike root or begin to grow, as a plant.
to adhere, as ink, dye, or color.
(of a person or thing) to win favor or acceptance
a new TV show that took with the public.
to have the intended result or effect, as a medicine, inoculation, etc.
The vaccination took.
to enter into possession, as of an estate.
to detract (usually fol. by from ).
to apply or devote oneself
He took to his studies.
to make one's way; proceed; go
to take across the meadow.
to fall or become
She took sick and had to go home.
to admit of being photographed in a particular manner
a model who takes exceptionally well.
to admit of being moved or separated
This crib takes apart for easy storage.


the act of taking.
something that is taken.
the quantity of fish, game, etc., taken at one time.
an opinion or assessment
What's your take on the candidate?
an approach; treatment
a new take on an old idea.
Informal . money taken in, esp. profits.
Journalism . a portion of copy assigned to a Linotype operator or compositor, usually part of a story or article.
Movies .
a scene, or a portion of a scene, photographed without any interruption or break.
an instance of such continuous operation of the camera.
Informal . a visual and mental response to something typically manifested in a stare expressing total absorption or wonderment
She did a slow take on being asked by reporters the same question for the third time.
a recording of a musical performance.
Medicine/Medical . a successful inoculation. ?

Verb phrases

take after,
to resemble (another person, as a parent) physically, temperamentally, etc.
The baby took after his mother.
Also, take off after, take out after. to follow; chase
The detective took after the burglars.
take back,
to regain possession of
to take back one's lawn mower.
to return, as for exchange
It was defective, so I took it back to the store.
to allow to return; resume a relationship with
She said she would never take him back again.
to cause to remember
It takes one back to the old days.
to retract
to take back a statement.
take down,
to move from a higher to a lower level or place.
to pull apart or take apart; dismantle; disassemble.
to write down; record.
to diminish the pride or arrogance of; humble
to take someone down a notch or two.
take for,
to assume to be
I took it for the truth.
to assume falsely to be; mistake for
to be taken for a foreigner.
take in,
to permit to enter; admit.
to alter (an article of clothing) so as to make smaller.
to provide lodging for.
to include; encompass.
to grasp the meaning of; comprehend.
to deceive; trick; cheat.
to observe; notice.
to visit or attend
to take in a show.
to furl (a sail).
to receive as proceeds, as from business activity.
Chiefly British . to subscribe to
to take in a magazine.
take off,
to remove
Take off your coat.
to lead away
The child was taken off by kidnappers.
Informal . to depart; leave
They took off yesterday for California.
to leave the ground, as an airplane.
to move onward or forward with a sudden or intense burst of speed
The police car took off after the drunken driver.
to withdraw or remove from
She was taken off the night shift.
to remove by death; kill
Millions were taken off by the Black Plague.
to make a likeness or copy of; reproduce.
to subtract, as a discount; deduct
Shop early and we'll take off 20 percent.
Informal . to imitate; mimic; burlesque.
Informal . to achieve sudden, marked growth, success, etc.
Sales took off just before Christmas. The actor's career took off after his role in that movie.
take on,
to hire; employ.
to undertake; assume
to take on new responsibilities.
to acquire
The situation begins to take on a new light.
to accept as a challenge; contend against
to take on a bully.
Informal . to show great emotion; become excited
There's no need to take on so.
take out,
to withdraw; remove
to take out a handkerchief.
to procure by application
to take out an insurance policy.
to carry out for use or consumption elsewhere
to take a book out of the library; to get food to take out.
to escort; invite
He takes out my sister now and then.
to set out; start
They took out for the nearest beach.
Slang . to kill; destroy.
take over, to assume management or possession of or responsibility for
The first officer took over the ship when the captain suffered a heart attack.
take to,
to devote or apply oneself to; become habituated to
to take to drink.
to respond favorably to; begin to like
They took to each other at once.
to go to
to take to one's bed.
to have recourse to; resort to
She took to getting up at five to go jogging before work.
take up,
to occupy oneself with the study or practice of
She took up painting in her spare time.
to lift or pick up
He took up the fallen leaves with a rake.
to occupy; cover
A grand piano would take up half of our living room.
to consume; use up; absorb
Traveling to her job takes up a great deal of time.
to begin to advocate or support; sponsor
He has taken up another struggling artist.
to continue; resume
We took up where we had left off.
to reply to in order to reprove
The author takes up his critics in the preface of his latest book.
to assume
He took up the duties of the presidency.
to absorb
Use a sponge to take up the spilled milk.
to make shorter, as by hemming
to take up the sleeves an inch.
to make tighter, as by winding in
to take up the slack in a reel of tape.
to deal with in discussion
to take up the issue of mass transit.
to adopt seriously
to take up the idea of seeking public office.
to accept, as an offer or challenge.
to buy as much as is offered
The sale was taken up in a matter of days.
Chiefly British . to clear by paying off, as a loan.
Obsolete . to arrest (esp. a runaway slave).
take up with, Informal . to become friendly with; keep company with
He took up with a bad crowd.


on the take
Slang .
accepting bribes.
in search of personal profit at the expense of others.
take for granted. grant ( def. 10 ) .
take it
to accept or believe something; aquiesce
I'll take it on your say-so.
Informal . to be able to resist or endure hardship, abuse, etc.
to understand
I take it that you're not interested.
take it out in
to accept as payment for services or as an equivalent of monetary compensation
He takes it out in goods instead of cash.
take it out of
to exhaust; enervate
Every year the winter takes it out of me.
to exact payment from; penalize
They took it out of your pay.
take it out on
Informal . to cause (someone else) to suffer for one's own misfortune or dissatisfaction
Just because you're angry with him you don't have to take it out on me!
take up a collection, to ask for or gather donations, usually of money
from a number of people.
take upon oneself
to assume as a responsibility or obligation
She has taken it upon herself to support the family.


refuse , reject


acquire , add , address oneself to , adopt , agree to do , annex , append , attempt , become , begin , come to have , commence , develop , embrace , employ , endeavor , engage , enlist , enroll , espouse , handle , have a go at , hire , launch , put on , retain , set about , tackle , take in hand , take up , take upon oneself , try , turn , undertake , venture , attack , battle , contend , contest , encounter , face , fight , match , meet , oppose , pit , vie , brave , buck * , call out , confront , dare , defy , denounce , dispute , face off , go eyeball to eyeball with , go one on one with , go toe to toe with , go up against , hang in , insist upon , investigate , invite competition , make a stand , object to , question , stand up to , throw down the gauntlet * , take

Xem thêm các từ khác

  • Take out

    the act or fact of taking out., something made to be taken out, esp. food prepared in a store or restaurant to be carried out for consumption elsewhere.,...
  • Take over

    the act of seizing, appropriating, or arrogating authority, control, management, etc., an acquisition or gaining control of a corporation through the purchase...
  • Take shape

    the quality of a distinct object or body in having an external surface or outline of specific form or figure., this quality as found in some individual...
  • Take to

    to get into one's hold or possession by voluntary action, to hold, grasp, or grip, to get into one's hands, possession, control, etc., by force or artifice,...
  • Take up

    the act of taking up., machinery ., the contraction of fabric resulting from the wet operations in the finishing process, esp. fulling., verb, verb, uptake...
  • Taken

    pp. of take., nonstandard . a pt. of take. ?, taken with, charmed or captivated by, he was quite taken with your niece .
  • Taker

    to get into one's hold or possession by voluntary action, to hold, grasp, or grip, to get into one's hands, possession, control, etc., by force or artifice,...
  • Taker-in

  • Taking

    the act of a person or thing that takes., the state of being taken., something that is taken., an action by the federal government, as a regulatory ruling,...
  • Taking-off

    act of presenting a take-off, or burlesque imitation.
  • Talapoin

    a small, yellowish guenon monkey, micropithecus ( cercopithecus ) talapoin, of western africa.
  • Talbot

    a hound with long pendent ears.
  • Talc

    also, talcum, talcum powder., to treat or rub with talc.
  • Talcose

    containing or composed largely of talc.
  • Talcum

    also, talcum, talcum powder., to treat or rub with talc.
  • Talcum powder

    a powder made of purified, usually perfumed talc, for toilet purposes.
  • Tale

    a narrative that relates the details of some real or imaginary event, incident, or case; story, a literary composition having the form of such a narrative.,...
  • Tale bearer

    a person who spreads gossip, secrets, etc., that may cause trouble or harm.
  • Tale bearing

    a person who spreads gossip, secrets, etc., that may cause trouble or harm.
  • Tale teller

    a telltale; talebearer., a person who tells falsehoods., a person who tells tales or stories; narrator.
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  • 15th July 2024 8:29
    Huy Quang đã thích điều này
    • Huy Quang
      0 · 16th July 2024 3:50
  • 9th July 2024 9:39
    Tìm Người Yêu: Những Câu Chuyện Thành Công
    Tìm Người Yêu: Những Câu Chuyện Thành Công” là một chủ đề thú vị và đầy cảm hứng, đặc biệt trong bối cảnh hiện đại khi công nghệ và mạng xã hội ngày càng phát triển. Những câu chuyện thành công về hành trình tìm kiếm người yêu thường mang đến hy vọng và niềm tin cho những ai vẫn đang trên con đường tìm kiếm nửa kia của mình. Có người gặp được tình yêu đích thực qua một ứng dụng hẹn hò trực tuyến, người khác lại tìm thấy người bạn đời của mình trong một...
    Tìm Người Yêu: Những Câu Chuyện Thành Công
    Tìm Người Yêu: Những Câu Chuyện Thành Công” là một chủ đề thú vị và đầy cảm hứng, đặc biệt trong bối cảnh hiện đại khi công nghệ và mạng xã hội ngày càng phát triển. Những câu chuyện thành công về hành trình tìm kiếm người yêu thường mang đến hy vọng và niềm tin cho những ai vẫn đang trên con đường tìm kiếm nửa kia của mình. Có người gặp được tình yêu đích thực qua một ứng dụng hẹn hò trực tuyến, người khác lại tìm thấy người bạn đời của mình trong một buổi gặp gỡ bạn bè. Mỗi câu chuyện đều có những điểm chung là sự kiên nhẫn, niềm tin và lòng chân thành. Qua những câu chuyện này, chúng ta thấy rằng tình yêu không phân biệt tuổi tác, khoảng cách hay hoàn cảnh. Điều quan trọng là mỗi người đều có cơ hội tìm thấy tình yêu đích thực của mình, chỉ cần họ mở lòng và tin tưởng vào những điều tốt đẹp sẽ đến.
    Một trong những câu chuyện đáng nhớ là câu chuyện của Minh và Lan. Cả hai gặp nhau qua một ứng dụng hẹn hò trực tuyến, nơi họ bắt đầu bằng những cuộc trò chuyện đơn giản. Minh, một chàng trai trầm lắng và ít nói, đã dần dần mở lòng trước sự chân thành và ấm áp của Lan. Sau vài tháng trò chuyện, họ quyết định gặp nhau ngoài đời thực. Cuộc gặp gỡ đầu tiên tại một quán cà phê nhỏ đã trở thành điểm khởi đầu cho một mối quan hệ đẹp đẽ và lâu bền. Sự đồng điệu về sở thích và quan điểm sống đã giúp Minh và Lan xây dựng nên một tình yêu vững chắc, vượt qua mọi khó khăn và thử thách.
    Không chỉ có Minh và Lan, câu chuyện của Hùng và Mai cũng là một minh chứng cho việc tình yêu có thể đến từ những nơi bất ngờ nhất. Hùng và Mai gặp nhau trong một chuyến du lịch nhóm tổ chức bởi công ty. Ban đầu, họ chỉ xem nhau như những người bạn cùng đi du lịch, nhưng qua những hoạt động chung và những cuộc trò chuyện, họ dần nhận ra sự hòa hợp đặc biệt. Sau chuyến du lịch, Hùng quyết định tỏ tình với Mai và may mắn thay, cô cũng có tình cảm với anh. Họ đã cùng nhau vượt qua khoảng cách địa lý và xây dựng nên một mối tình bền chặt.
    Những câu chuyện này không chỉ là những minh chứng sống động cho sự tồn tại của tình yêu đích thực, mà còn mang lại niềm tin và hy vọng cho những ai vẫn đang tìm kiếm người bạn đời của mình. Dù là qua mạng xã hội, trong các chuyến du lịch hay trong những buổi gặp gỡ bạn bè, tình yêu có thể đến từ những nơi bất ngờ nhất và vào những thời điểm mà chúng ta không ngờ tới. Điều quan trọng là mỗi người cần mở lòng, kiên nhẫn và tin tưởng vào những điều tốt đẹp sẽ đến.
    Tình yêu không phân biệt tuổi tác, khoảng cách hay hoàn cảnh. Mỗi người đều có cơ hội tìm thấy tình yêu đích thực của mình, chỉ cần họ sẵn sàng mở lòng và tin tưởng vào hành trình tìm kiếm tình yêu của mình. Những câu chuyện thành công này là minh chứng rõ ràng nhất cho việc tình yêu đích thực vẫn tồn tại và luôn chờ đợi chúng ta tìm thấy.

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  • 22nd May 2024 7:10
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      1 · 24th April 2024 13:11
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  • 26th December 2023 8:32
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