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Mục lục

Verb (used without object)

to go quickly by moving the legs more rapidly than at a walk and in such a manner that for an instant in each step all or both feet are off the ground.
to move with haste; act quickly
Run upstairs and get the iodine.
to depart quickly; take to flight; flee or escape
to run from danger.
to have recourse for aid, support, comfort, etc.
He shouldn't run to his parents with every little problem.
to make a quick trip or informal visit for a short stay at a place
to run up to New York; I will run over to see you after dinner.
to go around, rove, or ramble without restraint (often fol. by about )
to run about in the park.
to move, roll, or progress from momentum or from being hurled, kicked, or otherwise propelled
The wheel ran over the curb and into the street.
Sports .
to take part in a race or contest.
to finish in a race or contest in a certain numerical position
The horse ran second.
to be or campaign as a candidate for election.
to migrate, as fish
to run in huge shoals.
to migrate upstream or inshore from deep water to spawn.
to move under continuing power or force, as of the wind, a motor, etc.
The car ran along the highway.
(of a ship, automobile, etc.) to be sailed or driven from a safe, proper, or given route
The ship ran aground.
to ply between places, as a vessel or conveyance
This bus runs between New Haven and Hartford.
to move, glide, turn, rotate, or pass easily, freely, or smoothly
A rope runs in a pulley.
to creep, trail, or climb, as growing vines
The ivy ran up the side of the house.
to come undone or to unravel, as stitches or a fabric
these stockings run easily.
to flow, as a liquid
Let the water run before you drink it.
to flow along, esp. strongly, as a stream or the sea
The rapids ran over the rocks.
to empty or transfer contents
The river ran into the sea.
to appear, occur, or exist within a certain limited range; include a specific range of variations (usually fol. by from )
Your work runs from fair to bad.
to melt and flow or drip
Wax ran down the burning candle.
Golf . (of a golf ball) to bounce or roll along the ground just after landing from a stroke
The ball struck the green and ran seven feet past the hole.
to spread on being applied to a surface, as a liquid
Fresh paint ran over the window molding onto the pane.
to spread over a material when exposed to moisture
The dyes in this fabric are guaranteed not to run in washing.
to undergo a spreading of colors
materials that run when washed.
to flow forth as a discharge
Tears ran from her eyes.
to discharge or give passage to a liquid or fluid
Her eyes ran with tears.
to operate or function
How does your new watch run? Cars run on gasoline.
to be in operation
the noise of a dishwasher running.
to continue in operation
The furnace runs most of the day.
to elapse; pass or go by, as time
Time is running out, and we must hurry.
to pass into or meet with a certain state or condition
to run into debt; to run into trouble.
to get or become
The well ran dry.
to amount; total
The bill ran to
to be stated or worded in a certain manner
The minutes of the last meeting run as follows.
Commerce .
to accumulate, follow, or become payable in due course, as interest on a debt
Your interest runs from January 1st to December 31st.
to make many withdrawals in rapid succession, as from a bank.
Law .
to have legal force or effect, as a writ.
to continue to operate.
to go along with
The easement runs with the land.
to proceed, continue, or go
The story runs for eight pages.
to extend in a given direction
This road runs north to Litchfield.
to extend for a certain length
The unpaved section runs for eight miles.
to extend over a given surface
Shelves ran from floor to ceiling.
to be printed, as on a printing press
Two thousand copies ran before the typo was caught.
to appear in print or be published as a story, photograph, etc., in a newspaper, magazine, or the like
The account ran in all the papers. The political cartoon always runs on the editorial page.
to be performed on a stage or be played continually, as a play
The play ran for two years.
to occur or take place continuously, as a movie
The picture runs for two hours.
to pass quickly
A thought ran through his mind. Her eyes ran over the room.
to be disseminated, circulated, or spread rapidly
The news of his promotion ran all over town.
to continue or return persistently; recur
The old tune ran through his mind all day.
to have or tend to have or produce a specified character, quality, form, etc.
This novel runs to long descriptions. Her sister is fat too, but the family runs to being overweight.
to be or continue to be of a certain or average size, number, etc.
Potatoes are running large this year.
Nautical . to sail before the wind.

Verb (used with object)

to move or run along (a surface, way, path, etc.)
Every morning he ran the dirt path around the reservoir to keep in condition. She ran her fingers over the keyboard.
to traverse (a distance) in running
He ran the mile in just over four minutes.
to perform, compete in, or accomplish by or as by running
to run a race; to run an errand.
to go about freely on or in without supervision
permitting children to run the streets.
to ride or cause to gallop
to run a horse across a field.
to enter in a race
He ran his best filly in the Florida Derby.
to bring into a certain state by running
He ran himself out of breath trying to keep pace.
to trace, track, pursue or hunt, as game
to run deer on foot.
to drive (an animal) or cause to go by pursuing
to run a fox to cover; to run the stallion into the barn.
to leave, flee, or escape from
He ran town before the robbery was discovered.
to cause to ply between places, as a vessel or conveyance
to run a ferry between New York and New Jersey.
to convey or transport, as in a vessel or vehicle
I'll run you home in my car.
to cause to pass quickly
He ran his eyes over the letter. She ran a comb through her hair.
to get past or through
to run a blockade.
(of drivers or cyclists) to disregard (a red or amber traffic light) and continue ahead without stopping.
to smuggle (contraband goods)
to run guns across the border.
to work, operate, or drive
Can you run a tractor?
to publish, print, or make copies of, as on a printing press (sometimes fol. by off )
Run off 3000 of these posters. The newspapers ran the story on page one.
to process, refine, manufacture, or subject to an analysis or treatment
The doctor wanted to run a blood test. The factory ran 50,000 gallons of paint a day.
to keep operating or going, as a machine
They ran the presses 24 hours a day.
to keep (a motor) idling for an indefinite period
On cold days he would run the car motor to prevent stalling.
to allow (a ship, automobile, etc.) to depart from a safe, proper, or given route, as by negligence or error
He ran the ship aground. She ran the car up on the curb.
to sponsor, support, or nominate (a person) as a candidate for election.
to manage or conduct
to run a business; to run one's own life.
Computers . to process (the instructions in a program) by computer.
(in some games, as billiards) to continue or complete a series of successful strokes, shots, or the like.
Cards . to lead a series (of one's assured tricks or winners in a given suit)
He ran the heart suit before leading spades.
to expose oneself to or be exposed to (a chance, risk, etc.)
Through his habitual lateness he ran the danger of being fired.
to cause (a liquid) to flow
to run the water for a bath.
to fill (a tub or bath) with water
She ran a hot tub for him.
to give forth or flow with (a liquid); pour forth or discharge
The well ran 500 barrels of oil daily.
to charge (an item or items) as on a charge account or to accumulate (bills) to be paid all at one time
He ran a large monthly tab at the club.
to cause to move easily, freely, or smoothly
to run a rope in a pulley.
Golf . to cause (a golf ball) to move forward along the ground after landing from a stroke
He ran his ball seven feet past the hole.
to sew or use a running stitch
to run a seam.
to cause stitches in (a garment or fabric) to unravel or come undone
to run a stocking on a protruding nail.
to bring, lead, or force into a certain state or condition
He ran his troops into an ambush. They ran themselves into debt.
to drive, force, or thrust
to run a nail into a board; to run one's head against a wall; to run one's hand into one's pocket.
to graze; pasture
They run sixty head of cattle on their ranch.
to extend (something) in a particular direction or to a given point or place
to run a partition across a room; to run a telephone cable from Boston to Buffalo.
Carpentry . to make (millwork) from boards.
to cause to fuse and flow, as metal for casting in a mold.
to draw, trace, or mark out, as a line
to run a line over a surface; to run a line through a word.
to cost (an amount or approximate amount)
This watch runs
to cost (a person) an amount or approximate amount
The car repair will run you a couple of hundred at least.


an act or instance, or a period of running
a five-minute run before breakfast.
a hurrying to or from some point, as on an errand
a run to reach the store before it closes.
a fleeing, esp. in great haste; flight
a run from the police who were hot on his trail.
a running pace
The boys set out at a run.
an act or instance or a period of moving rapidly, as in a boat or automobile
a run to shore before the storm.
distance covered, as by racing, running, or during a trip
a three-mile run.
an act or instance or a period of traveling or moving between two places; trip
a truck on its daily run from farm to market; a nonstop run from Louisville to Memphis.
Computers . a single instance of carrying out the sequence of instructions in a program.
Golf . the distance that a golf ball moves along the ground after landing from a stroke
He got a seven-foot run with his chip shot.
a quick trip for a short stay at a place
to take a run up to New York.
Military .
bomb run.
any portion of a military flight during which the aircraft flies directly toward the target in order to begin its attack
a strafing run.
Aeronautics .
the rapid movement, under its own power, of an aircraft on a runway, water, or another surface.
a routine flight from one place to another
the evening run from New York to London.
beat ( def. 40b ) .
an interval or period during which something, as a machine, operates or continues operating
They kept each press in the plant on a 14-hour run.
the amount of anything produced in such a period
a daily run of 400,000 gallons of paint.
a line or place in knitted work where a series of stitches have slipped out or come undone
a run in a stocking.
onward movement, development, progress, course, etc.
the run of our business from a small store to a large chain.
the direction of something or of its component elements
the run of the grain of wood.
the particular course, order, or tendency of something
the normal run of events.
freedom to move around in, pass through, or use something
to allow one's guests the run of the house.
any rapid or easy course of progress
a run from trainee to supervisor.
a continuous series of performances, as of a play
a long run on Broadway.
an uninterrupted course of some state or condition; a spell
a run of good luck; a run of good weather.
a continuous extent of something, as a vein of ore.
an uninterrupted series or sequence of things, events, etc.
a run of 30 scoreless innings.
a sequence of cards in a given suit
a heart run.
Cribbage . a sequence of three or more cards in consecutive denominations without regard to suits.
any extensive continued demand, sale, or the like
a run on umbrellas on a rainy day.
a series of sudden and urgent demands for payment, as on a bank.
a period of being in demand or favor with the public
Her last book had a briefer run than her first.
a period during which liquid flows
They kept each oil well on an eight-hour run.
the amount that flows during such a period
a run of 500 barrels a day.
a small stream; brook; rivulet.
a flow or rush, as of water
The snow melting on the mountains caused a run of water into the valley.
a kind or class, as of goods
a superior run of blouses.
the typical, ordinary, or average kind
The run of 19th-century novels tends to be of a sociological nature.
an inclined course, as on a slope, designed or used for a specific purpose
a bobsled run; a run for training beginning skiers.
a fairly large enclosure within which domestic animals may move about freely; runway
a chicken run.
Australian . a large sheep ranch or area of grazing land.
the beaten track or usual trail used by deer or other wild animals; runway.
a trough or pipe for water or the like.
the movement of a number of fish upstream or inshore from deep water.
large numbers of fish in motion, esp. inshore from deep water or up a river for spawning
a run of salmon.
a number of animals moving together.
Music . a rapid succession of tones; roulade.
Building Trades .
the horizontal distance between the face of a wall and the ridge of a roof.
the distance between the first and last risers of a flight of steps or staircase.
the horizontal distance between successive risers on a flight of steps or a staircase.
Baseball . the score unit made by safely running around all the bases and reaching home plate.
a series of successful shots, strokes, or the like, in a game.
Nautical . the immersed portion of a hull abaft the middle body ( opposed to entrance ).
the runs, ( used with a singular or plural verb ) Informal . diarrhea.


melted or liquefied
run butter.
poured in a melted state; run into and cast in a mold
run bronze.

Verb phrases

run across, to meet or find accidentally
She ran across an old friend at the party. He ran across her name in the phone book.
run after,
to follow; chase
The dog ran after the burglar.
to pursue or court the affections of, esp. in an aggressive manner
He ran after her until she agreed to marry him.
to attempt to become friendly with or part of the society of
He runs after the country-club set.
run along, to leave; go on one's way
I have to run along now, but I'll see you tonight. Run alongcan't you see I'm busy?
run around,
(often fol. by with ) to socialize; consort with
She runs around with the strangest people.
to be unfaithful to one's spouse or lover
It was common knowledge that he was running around.
run away,
to flee or escape; leave a place of confinement or control with the intention of never returning
He ran away from home three times.
Nautical . to haul on a line by walking or running steadily.
run away with,
to go away with, esp. to elope with
She ran away with a sailor.
to abscond with; steal
to run away with some valuable jewelry.
to surpass others in; be outstanding in
to run away with academic honors.
to overwhelm; get the better of
Sometimes his enthusiasm runs away with him.
run down,
to strike and fell or overturn, esp. to drive a vehicle into (someone)
to run down an innocent pedestrian.
to pursue until captured; chase
The detective swore that he would run down the criminal.
to peruse; review
His eyes ran down the front row and stopped suddenly.
to cease operation; stop
My watch has run down.
to speak disparagingly of; criticize severely
The students were always running down their math teacher.
to search out; trace; find
to run down information.
Baseball . to tag out (a base runner) between bases.
Nautical . to collide with and sink (another vessel).
Nautical . to sail closely parallel to (a coast).
run in,
to visit casually
If I'm in the neighborhood, I may run in for a few minutes.
to include in a text, as something to be inserted.
Slang . to arrest; take to jail
They ran him in for burglary.
Printing . to add (matter) to text without indenting.
to break in (new machinery).
run into,
to crash into; collide with
She was so sleepy that she ran into a lamppost.
to meet accidentally
You never know whom you'll run into at a big party.
to amount to; total
losses that ran into millions of dollars.
to succeed; follow
One year ran into the next, and still there was no change.
to experience; encounter
The project ran into difficulty.
run in with, Nautical . to sail close to (a coast, vessel, etc.).
run off,
to leave quickly; depart.
to create or perform rapidly or easily
to run off a new song.
to determine the winner of (a contest, race, etc.) by a runoff.
to drive away; expel
to run someone off one's property.
to print or otherwise duplicate
Please run off 500 copies.
run off with,
to abscond with (something); steal or borrow; take
He ran off with the money. Who ran off with the pencil sharpener?
to elope
I hear she ran off with the Smith boy.
run on,
to continue without interruption
The account that he gave ran on at some length.
Printing . to add (matter) to text without indenting.
to add something, as at the end of a text
to run on an adverb to a dictionary entry.
run out,
to terminate; expire
My subscription ran out last month. Time ran out before we could score another touchdown.
to become used up
His money soon ran out.
to drive out; expel
They want to run him out of the country.
run out of, to exhaust a quantity or supply of
She couldn't bake a cake because she had run out of sugar.
run out on, to withdraw one's support from; abandon
No one could accuse him of running out on his friends.
run over,
to hit and knock down, esp. with a vehicle
She cried inconsolably when her cat was run over by a car.
to go beyond; exceed
His speech ran over the time limit.
to repeat; review
We'll run over that song again.
to overflow, as a vessel.
run through,
to pierce or stab, as with a sword
to run someone through.
to consume or use up recklessly; squander
to run through a fortune.
to practice, review, or rehearse quickly or informally
to run through a scene.
run up,
to sew rapidly
She ran up some curtains.
to amass; incur
running up huge debts.
to cause to increase; raise
to run up costs unnecessarily.
to build, esp. hurriedly
They are tearing down old tenement blocks and running up skyscrapers.
run with, Informal .
to proceed or go ahead with
If the stockholders like the idea, we'll run with it.
to carry out with enthusiasm or speed. ?


a run for one's money
close or keen competition
The out-of-town team gave us a run for our money.
enjoyment or profit in return for one's expense
This may not be the best tool kit, but it will give you a run for your money.
in the long run
in the course of long experience; in the end
Retribution will come, in the long run.
in the short run
as an immediate or temporary outcome
Recession may be averted in the short run if policy changes are made now.
on the run
moving quickly; hurrying about
He's so busy, he's always on the run.
while running or in a hurry
I usually eat breakfast on the run.
escaping or hiding from the police
He was on the run for two years.
run afoul of
Nautical . to collide with so as to cause damage and entanglement.
to incur or become subject to the wrath or ill will of
to run afoul of the law; He argued with his father and has run afoul of him ever since.
run for it, to hurry away or flee
esp. to evade something
You had better run for it before anyone else arrives.
run in place
to go through the motions of running without leaving one's original place.
to exist or work without noticeable change, progress, or improvement.
run out of gas
Informal .
to exhaust or lose one's energy, enthusiasm, etc.
After the first game of tennis, I ran out of gas and had to rest.
to falter for lack of impetus, ideas, capital, etc.
The economic recovery seems to be running out of gas.
run scared
to be thrown into a state of fear or uncertainty because of a perceived threat; be apprehensive about survival or the future
Many businesses are running scared because of increasing competition.


standing , walking
stand , walk , cease , halt , stop , obey , serve


amble , bound , break , canter , dart , dash , drop , escape , fall , flight , gallop , jog , lope , pace , race , rush , scamper , scuttle , spring , sprint , spurt , tear , trot , whisk , drive , excursion , jaunt , joy ride , lift , outing , ride , round , spin , tour , travel , trip , bearing , chain , continuance , continuation , continuity , current , cycle , drift , duration , endurance , field , flow , line , motion , movement , passage , path , period , persistence , progress , prolongation , route , season , series , spell , streak , stream , stretch , string , succession , swing , tendency , tenor , tide , trend , way
abscond , amble , barrel , beat it * , bolt , bound , bustle , canter , career , clear out , course , cut and run , dart , dash , decamp , depart , dog it , escape , flee , flit , fly , gallop , go like lightning , hasten , hie , hotfoot * , hurry , hustle , jog , leg it , light out * , lope , make a break , make off , make tracks , pace , race , rush , scamper , scoot , scorch , scramble , scud , scurry , shag , shoot , skedaddle * , skip , skitter , smoke * , speed , spring , sprint , spurt , take flight , take off , tear , tear out , travel , trot , whisk , bleed , cascade , deliquesce , diffuse , discharge , dissolve , drop , fall , flow , flux , fuse , glide , go , go soft , gush , issue , leak , leap , liquefy , melt , pass , pour , proceed , roll , sail , skim , slide , spill , spin , spout , spread , stream , thaw , tumble , turn to liquid , whirl , whiz , act , bear , carry , command , control , convey , govern , handle , manage , maneuver , move , perform , ply , propel , tick , transport , use , work , administer , be in charge , be in driver’s seat , be in saddle , boss , carry on , conduct , coordinate , direct , head , head up , helm * , keep , lead , look after , operate , ordain , oversee , own , pull the strings , regulate , ride herd on * , superintend , take care of , be current , circulate , cover , encompass , extend , go around , go on , last , lie , move past , persevere , reach , stretch , trail , vary , be a candidate , challenge , compete , contend , contest , hit the campaign trail , kiss babies , oppose , politick , ring doorbells , shake hands , stand , stump , whistlestop , bucket , festinate , flash , fleet , haste , pelt , rocket , scour , wing , zip , zoom , get out , exit , get away , get off , go away , leave , pull out , quit , retire , withdraw , consort , fraternize , hang around , hobnob , troop , apply , refer , repair , turn , come in , finish , place , surge , well

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    fatigued; weary; exhausted., in a state of poor health, in neglected condition; fallen into disrepair, (of a spring-operated device) not running because...
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  • Run-on

    of or designating something that is added or run on, prosody . (of a line of verse) having a thought that carries over to the next line, esp. without a...
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  • Run after

    to go quickly by moving the legs more rapidly than at a walk and in such a manner that for an instant in each step all or both feet are off the ground.,...
  • Run away

    to go quickly by moving the legs more rapidly than at a walk and in such a manner that for an instant in each step all or both feet are off the ground.,...
  • Run back

    football ., tennis . the space on a tennis court between the base line and the backstop., a run made by a player toward the goal line of the opponents...
  • Run down

    fatigued; weary; exhausted., in a state of poor health, in neglected condition; fallen into disrepair, (of a spring-operated device) not running because...
  • Run in

    a quarrel; argument., printing . matter that is added to a text, esp. without indenting for a new paragraph., printing . added to a text without indenting.,...
  • Run into

    to go quickly by moving the legs more rapidly than at a walk and in such a manner that for an instant in each step all or both feet are off the ground.,...
  • Run off

    to go quickly by moving the legs more rapidly than at a walk and in such a manner that for an instant in each step all or both feet are off the ground.,...
  • Run on

    of or designating something that is added or run on, prosody . (of a line of verse) having a thought that carries over to the next line, esp. without a...
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    to go quickly by moving the legs more rapidly than at a walk and in such a manner that for an instant in each step all or both feet are off the ground.,...
  • Run over

    to go quickly by moving the legs more rapidly than at a walk and in such a manner that for an instant in each step all or both feet are off the ground.,...
  • Run through

    the performing of a sequence of designated actions, esp. as a trial prior to actual performance; rehearsal; practice., a quick outline or review, (of a...
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  • 15/07/24 03:29:00
    Huy Quang đã thích điều này
    • Huy Quang
      0 · 16/07/24 10:50:05
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    Tìm Người Yêu: Những Câu Chuyện Thành Công” là một chủ đề thú vị và đầy cảm hứng, đặc biệt trong bối cảnh hiện đại khi công nghệ và mạng xã hội ngày càng phát triển. Những câu chuyện thành công về hành trình tìm kiếm người yêu thường mang đến hy vọng và niềm tin cho những ai vẫn đang trên con đường tìm kiếm nửa kia của mình. Có người gặp được tình yêu đích thực qua một ứng dụng hẹn hò trực tuyến, người khác lại tìm thấy người bạn đời của mình trong một...
    Tìm Người Yêu: Những Câu Chuyện Thành Công
    Tìm Người Yêu: Những Câu Chuyện Thành Công” là một chủ đề thú vị và đầy cảm hứng, đặc biệt trong bối cảnh hiện đại khi công nghệ và mạng xã hội ngày càng phát triển. Những câu chuyện thành công về hành trình tìm kiếm người yêu thường mang đến hy vọng và niềm tin cho những ai vẫn đang trên con đường tìm kiếm nửa kia của mình. Có người gặp được tình yêu đích thực qua một ứng dụng hẹn hò trực tuyến, người khác lại tìm thấy người bạn đời của mình trong một buổi gặp gỡ bạn bè. Mỗi câu chuyện đều có những điểm chung là sự kiên nhẫn, niềm tin và lòng chân thành. Qua những câu chuyện này, chúng ta thấy rằng tình yêu không phân biệt tuổi tác, khoảng cách hay hoàn cảnh. Điều quan trọng là mỗi người đều có cơ hội tìm thấy tình yêu đích thực của mình, chỉ cần họ mở lòng và tin tưởng vào những điều tốt đẹp sẽ đến.
    Một trong những câu chuyện đáng nhớ là câu chuyện của Minh và Lan. Cả hai gặp nhau qua một ứng dụng hẹn hò trực tuyến, nơi họ bắt đầu bằng những cuộc trò chuyện đơn giản. Minh, một chàng trai trầm lắng và ít nói, đã dần dần mở lòng trước sự chân thành và ấm áp của Lan. Sau vài tháng trò chuyện, họ quyết định gặp nhau ngoài đời thực. Cuộc gặp gỡ đầu tiên tại một quán cà phê nhỏ đã trở thành điểm khởi đầu cho một mối quan hệ đẹp đẽ và lâu bền. Sự đồng điệu về sở thích và quan điểm sống đã giúp Minh và Lan xây dựng nên một tình yêu vững chắc, vượt qua mọi khó khăn và thử thách.
    Không chỉ có Minh và Lan, câu chuyện của Hùng và Mai cũng là một minh chứng cho việc tình yêu có thể đến từ những nơi bất ngờ nhất. Hùng và Mai gặp nhau trong một chuyến du lịch nhóm tổ chức bởi công ty. Ban đầu, họ chỉ xem nhau như những người bạn cùng đi du lịch, nhưng qua những hoạt động chung và những cuộc trò chuyện, họ dần nhận ra sự hòa hợp đặc biệt. Sau chuyến du lịch, Hùng quyết định tỏ tình với Mai và may mắn thay, cô cũng có tình cảm với anh. Họ đã cùng nhau vượt qua khoảng cách địa lý và xây dựng nên một mối tình bền chặt.
    Những câu chuyện này không chỉ là những minh chứng sống động cho sự tồn tại của tình yêu đích thực, mà còn mang lại niềm tin và hy vọng cho những ai vẫn đang tìm kiếm người bạn đời của mình. Dù là qua mạng xã hội, trong các chuyến du lịch hay trong những buổi gặp gỡ bạn bè, tình yêu có thể đến từ những nơi bất ngờ nhất và vào những thời điểm mà chúng ta không ngờ tới. Điều quan trọng là mỗi người cần mở lòng, kiên nhẫn và tin tưởng vào những điều tốt đẹp sẽ đến.
    Tình yêu không phân biệt tuổi tác, khoảng cách hay hoàn cảnh. Mỗi người đều có cơ hội tìm thấy tình yêu đích thực của mình, chỉ cần họ sẵn sàng mở lòng và tin tưởng vào hành trình tìm kiếm tình yêu của mình. Những câu chuyện thành công này là minh chứng rõ ràng nhất cho việc tình yêu đích thực vẫn tồn tại và luôn chờ đợi chúng ta tìm thấy.

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